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Контент пользователя Monah

Найдено 12 записей от Monah (Поиск ограничен от 27-September 23)

#651954 Продам алкоголь

Опубликовано по Monah   18 July 2013 - 14:48 в Купля/Продажа

Коньяк Bisquit V.S 0,7 за 1300р. В наличии 2 шт. (в коробке)
Ром Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos 0,7 1300р. - 1 шт. (в коробке)
Виски Chivas Regal 12 Y.O. 0,7 1500р. - 1 шт. (в железной подарочной упаковке Львиный Chivas Regal 12 Дэна Фандербурга или Chivas Regal 12 Year Old ‘Made for Gentlemen’ от Тима Литтла)

Пишите в личку.

#651973 Продам алкоголь

Опубликовано по Monah   18 July 2013 - 23:57 в Купля/Продажа

Ближнее зарубежье, Литва. Столько я не выпью, поэтому и продаю =)

#652027 Продам алкоголь

Опубликовано по Monah   21 July 2013 - 21:29 в Купля/Продажа

Добавил ром и виски.

#654824 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   27 October 2013 - 23:12 в Флейм

Всё началось с того, что я на avito выставил на продажу технику. После нескольких дней появляется покупатель из-за рубежа, у которого почта на Яндексе, и мы с ним начинаем переписываться.

Её 2-ое письмо
Great, i am okay with the condition of the merchandise and i am ready to purchase it. i am willing to pay $700 for the item and $120 for shipping fee through EMS. We would be glad if you would sell us this item as it is wanted for a scientific research. We will pay you 100% upfront through PayPal. Please send me your paypal email so that i can send payment immediately. If you dont have a PayPal account, please create a new account at www.paypal.com.

Продолжаем переписываться, но тут появляется второй покупатель (мейл на Яндексе)! Я пишу, что товар продаю первому покупателю, и готов продать, если 1-ый откажется от покупки.

2-ое письмо 2-ого покупателя
Thanks for your response, i am satisfied with the condition of this item and i would like to purchase it urgently. i will be willing to offer you $670 for the item as maximum bid from me and $130 for the shipping fee with EMS Russian post, international delivery service to USA,because am out of Russia on holidays,i will pay you 100% upfront. I want to buy it for my colleague for Electronic research project. if you agree , please let us discuss the method of payment. i prefer to
use paypal, kindly send me your paypal email so that i can proceed with the payment. If you don't have a paypal account, you can make a new account at the paypal website for free

Два письма очень похожи. Я ничего не пошлю, если мне на paypal не поступят деньги. Развод или нет?
Ничего не понимаю!? Ваши мысли

#654827 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   27 October 2013 - 23:24 в Флейм

Дело в том, что я пошлю товар, когда у меня будет сумма наликом на руках. Сейчас это, как я понял, очень просто делается. Завтра поеду в банк узнать номер счёта. Когда поступят деньги сразу обналичу.

#654830 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   27 October 2013 - 23:42 в Флейм

Спасибо за подсказку завтра обязательно позвоню. Я полагаю деньги можно вернуть, сказав что товар не прибыл, был не тот или в плохом состоянии?

#654832 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   27 October 2013 - 23:54 в Флейм

Дело в том, что покупателя особо не интересует вешнее состояние товара. Будет использовать для других целей. Причём сумму назвала на 200$ больше чем я предложил. Тоже и во втором письме. Чую развод! Посмотрим что будет

#654854 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   28 October 2013 - 16:06 в Флейм

"Здравствуйте, я заинтересованы в этом товаре.
Скажите, пожалуйста, цену в $US
в каком состоянии пункт и как долго вы им пользовались ? "

В первых сообщениях пришёл абсолютно такой же текст.
Звякнул я в PayPal сказали, что это 100% развод.
Фотик я продаю.

Ого вот в чём фишка!!! Всё рассчитано на лохов.

i just completed the payment into your paypal account. Please check your paypal email for confirmation message from PayPal about the payment. Please read the email from paypal carefully so that you will understand what you need to do next let me know when you receive the emails from paypal about the payment i just sent. Thanks

Давай жги!

You've Received New Funds!

This email confirms that you have received a payment of $820.00 USD from Alisha Herrmann ([email protected]).

Receipt ID: 0816-3592-2843-1502

The number above is the buyer's receipt ID for this transaction. Please retain it for your records so that you will be able to reference this transaction for customer service.

View the details of this transaction online
It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account, depending on shipment verification processing.
Payment Details

Total amount: $820.00 USD
Currency: USD
Transaction ID: 3KE23688RH994624N
Quantity: 1

Alisha Herrmann
Photographic Item

Delivery Information

Name: Anastasia Roberts,
Address:204 Elm Str,Apt7.
City: South Portland,
State: Maine.
Zip Code: 04106
Country: USA

Means of Postage: EMS Expressmail

Address status: Confirmed

This PayPal® payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED" but will not be credited to your account until the Shipment Tracking Number is sent to us for shipment verification so as to secure both the buyer and the seller. Below are the necessary information requested before your account will be credited. Send tracking number to us or email us through this mail [email protected] and our customer service care will attend to you. As soon as you send us the shipment's tracking number to us for security purposes and the safety of the buyer and the seller,the money will be credited to your account.

Once shipment has been verified and the Tracking Number sent to us,
You will receive a "CONFIRMATION EMAIL " from PayPal® informing you of the transaction completion
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

Бабок не будет!? А ну ладно =/

#654859 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   28 October 2013 - 18:04 в Флейм

Спасибо за Ваш ответ) Вы сэкономили мне время, а также кого-то спасли от лохотрона ) Хотя он тут довольно очевиден. Но всё-таки..

Пожалуйста =) Кому-нибудь эта тема пригодится.

#654983 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   01 November 2013 - 09:03 в Флейм

Новое письмо

just submitted payment into your paypal account. Please check your email folders (both inbox and spam or junk folder) for the two confirmation email messages from PayPal about the payment. Please read the emails from paypal carefully so that you will understand what you need to do next. Let me know when you receive the emails from paypal about the payment i sent. Thanks

There is a verification step that you need to pass before paypal releases payment into your paypal account.
What you need to do now is to get the item shipped to the address provided by paypal, Then you need to send a proof of shipment to paypal so that they can verify that you have shipped the item, then money will be unlocked into your paypal account. Proof of shipment is either tracking number or scanned copy of shipment receipt which will be given to you by the EMS Post Office.
This procedure is necessary and put in place by paypal to safeguard both sides of the transaction. Please read the emails from PayPal carefully.

The best way to get an item shipped via EMS Department of the Russian Post is to call the office directly (84957445544) and tell them to come and pick up the item at your house or office address. This should save you stress and time and also make them give the item preferential treatment to ensure maximum safety

И после него вот такое

hello, what is going on over there ?
i have sent payment and you do not reply again,, should i be worried? or are you a rascal?

Что мне ответить? =)

И ещё. Письмо якобы от paypal-а пришло и на вторую почту :lol:

#655001 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Опубликовано по Monah   01 November 2013 - 19:37 в Флейм

а с каких мыл-то эти письма приходят?
те, что пишет закупатель и те, что якобы с палки

Приходят с [email protected]. Выше я выкладывал текст писем.
PayPal приходят как PayPal Int'l ® <[email protected]> и попадают в папку спам.

Пример письма с палки

Alisha Herrmann sent you $820.00 USD.

Dear Igor Krivoruchko,
Transaction ID: 25R53752C8035773T

You have received a transfer of $820.00 USD.

This payment has been successfully deducted from the buyer's PayPal™ account and will be credited into your PayPal account :[email protected] as soon as we receive the shipment tracking number or scanned copy of ship receipt to verify shipment status of the purchased item(s).

You are advised to ship the item immediately and send a copy of the shipment receipt by clicking [email protected] for immediate processing and release of your payment. Please check below for further details.

Please understand that in order to prevent any fraud occurrence, all PayPal transactions are now fully monitored by the Interpol. You can click here for more information

Carte Bancaire Visa Mastercard American Express PayPal Carte Aurore Cofinoga ou Privilège 4 étoiles
Transaction Summary

$ 820.00 USD
Alisha Herrmann
[email protected]


Igor Krivoruchko
[email protected]

Transaction ID

Item Description

Unit Price



$700 USD

Shipping Address - Confirmed

Shipping &

Total Amount

Payment Date

Method of Shipment

Payment Status

Name: Anastasia Roberts
Address: 204 Elm Street Apt 7.
City: South Portland
State: Maine
Zip Code: 04106

$ 120.00 USD
$ 820.00 USD

27th October, 2013.

EMS Russian post

Awaiting Scanned Shipment Receipt for Verification and your Account will be credited Immediately.
Logging you in securely

Once the money is deposited into your account, you can:
Spend the money online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal.
Transfer it to your bank account (takes 2-5 days).
Get a PayPal Debit MasterCard.
Don't see the money in your account yet?

This PayPal® payment of $ 820.00 USD has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED" but will not be credited to your account until the shipment reference/tracking number is sent to us for verification. This security measure is embarked on, due to the fact that this trade did not occur on eBay and the buyer is subscribed under PayPal User Protection Policy so as to secure the buyer's transaction.

Questions If you have questions about the shipping and tracking of your purchased item or service, please contact the buyer [email protected] or directly to our Accounts Department by clicking : [email protected]

The PayPal™ Team
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Copyright © 2012 PayPal. All rights reserved.

PayPal (Europe) S.à rlet Cie, SCA
Company Limited by Shares
Headquarters: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
RCS Luxembourg B 118 349

#655007 Продам принтер Canon Selphy CP800 сублимационный

Опубликовано по Monah   01 November 2013 - 21:15 в Купля/Продажа

Продам новый сублимационный принтер Canon Selphy CP800 (цвет чёрный) с бумагой на 36 листов + картридж. Принтер ни разу не включался. Гарантийный талон, инструкция, полный комплект.

Цена 1500 руб.
Размещенное изображение